StreamCast is an application designed to allow you to overlay a captions onto any application that does not have native captioning support. The application is similar to Text On Top but allows a direct feed from StreamText.Net. You don't need to do anything special to the event when you schedule it. Just start the application and set the event name to the event you want to StreamCast.
For example you may have a customer that has one projector and is presenting using powerpoint or showing a video. Just install StreamCast and position the caption window where you want to display the captions. The window will automatically stay on top of the screen allowing the presenter to go though their slides. See the example below. So if you are using a projector or a platform like WebEx you can have fully a fully integrated solution. See below a few examples. Note the transparent background color on the video overlay.
Video Example:
The application is very easy to install. We currently have the windows install and will have support for Mac OS and Linux coming very soon. Once installed just click CTRL+s in the StreamCast window. The controls will open up and you can configure everything from the colors to the spacing.
We have two windows versions available. The new version has the controls in the upper left hand corner. You also need to open the controls to move the window as well. Below is a screenshot:
New Windows Version:
Installation Instructions:
1. Download StreamCast.exe to your computer by clicking on the link below. We have two versions one for Mac and the other for Windows.
Windows Version with ctrl+s to view controls:
Windows Version with controls in upper left hand corner:
Mac OS:
Special Instructions for Mac Install:
- For the Mac download the file from drop box.
- Then open the .dmg. The application will install.
Now copy the program to the application folder. Drag the icon to the applications folder
Now Open the application.
Open the streamcast program from the Launch Pad. You will get this icon.
- Now Go to Settings ->Privacy & Security
- You will need to click on "Open Anyway"
- Next you will get an open dialogue message for StreamCast. Click open.
- It will start up with the StreamText demo event running by default.
- The controls are opened by clicking cmd+s in the StreamCast window.
Open the streamcast program from the Launch Pad. You will get this icon.
3. To adjust the settings and connect it to your event just click on ctrl+s or cmd+s (mac) in the StreamCast window. The controls will pop up and you can set the event name to the name you programmed the event with. You can adjust Font Size, Colors and spacing. Once you have entered all the details just click the "Save Settings" button at the bottom of the form. The StreamCast window will then come up with your new settings. Once installed it will also remember your last settings so you don't have to reenter them. (settings form below)
If you cannot see the StreamCast window after using an extended display