Using the Generic Closed Caption Pod for Adobe Connect

Developed a number of years ago when Adobe Connect was upgraded to version 8 with our help. It is still used and will work with the StreamText.Net service. However we do recommend our Caption Stream Pod. The features and security of that pod greatly exceed the generic version.*Pricing for this pod is the Standard StreamText rate there are not added fees to use this feature.

Instructions for sending captions to the generic caption pod for Adobe Connect

  1. Scheduling and event. In order to stream to the Generic Closed Caption Pod for Adobe Connect you will need to select the options. On the CART/Captioning tab on schedule event you will see the controls below. You will need to select the Stream to generic caption pod and then enter a line length. Both fields are required. The line length is what will appear in the pod. The generic pod streams line for line instead of word for word. ScheduleGenericConnectPod.png
  2. Now complete the normal scheduling process.
  3. Connect to the event and start it just like a normal StreamText event.
  4. Now log into your Adobe Connect Room
  5. You will need to be a host in order to see the plus sign next to the caption viewer tab in the caption pod(see below)

  6. Now we are going to configure the connection. You will select the flowing options. (See example below with pod and fields entered.
    1. Set the provider to Other
    2. The Connection Name can be anything you want it is just a display only field.
    3. The Host field will be
    4. The Port is 2000
    5. The MeetingID is the event name that you used in StreamTextGenericConfigure.png
  7. Now select the connect button. You will get a yellow triangle next to the connection tab. 
  8. Select the broadcast checkbox. Now you should have a green connection on the connection tab.
    1. If you do not get a green connection check then make sure the event is live and has been configured for the generic caption pod.
    2. You can also be blocked by a firewall to prevent you connecting to the pod.
  9. When done just disconnect and close the event like any other StreamText event with the event control if you are done early.


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