Change Writer
StreamText.Net allows you to change writers during a live event. To do this you will need to use the event control which is listed under actions for a live event on the user dashboard. The event control has two buttons, "stop event" and "change writer" .
If you click on the change writer link you will see a window that allows you to select a new writer and parsing format. Once you do this you will notice in the event control display the new user will be listed as connected to the event. Their output will now be displayed in the event.
Some items to consider are how you will do the change.
Typically the writer taking over the event will be the one making the change over.
The writer taking over will start the connector and get ready just like any normal event. Then they will login and open the event control for the event. Note that this is only possible if they have permission to "manage events" otherwise they will not see the event listed.
Typically a writer can only view events that are originally scheduled for them. We offer a three methods to make that event visible to the writer taking over.
- New Option: Directly add the writers that you want to switch writers. Only the writers listed will be able to access the event on their dashboards. In this case Anson and Nicholas are the additional writers for the event.
- Select the multi writer event check box on the basics tab when you schedule the event all the writers under the organization can view the event. The writer taking over the event will see it listed on their dashboard.
Note: This option will allow everyone in your organization to view the event. Use option 1 if you want to limit the writers who can view the event. - Give the writer taking over the "Event Manager" role. To add this permission you will need to edit their user details under the staff link. The roles are listed at the bottom of the edit user screen. With that permission the writer will be able to see all the events scheduled under your organization.