Detailed CaseCatalyst and Eclipse Setup instructions

Case Catalyst Setup Instructions


  1. You can have CaseCat running however you will not be able to setup a file until we start and configure the connector. 
  2. Start or install the StreamText Connector if it is not already running or installed.
  3. Go to the writing source drop down above the connect and write button.
  4. Click on the “Com Port Number” button and select a com port to receive output from your writing/captioning software. Usually we recommend using a com port 30 so you do not have conflicts with any other devices. It is virtual so the number can be anything you want.
  5. Click on Connect and Write.
  6. First verify that you are connected to StreamText the "Connected to" should be a green True.
    1. If not True you need to check your loggin and password. You can verify that they are correct by login in to
    2. If that is not the case make sure your firewall is letting the streamtext connector access the Internet
    3. If that does not work please check your Internet connection
  7. Next notice that the "COM Port Connected" indicator will still be "False" until you start your realtime transcription/captioning software and outputting on the same com port.
  8. Start Case Catalyst software
  9. Configure the CaseView output to output on the same port listed on the connector from step 5. Note if you are on version 16 or higher of Case Catalyst and you are using this for CART you will want to select the ASCII/ANSI output option. The only difference will be that you will want to deselect the wrap at margins check box on the ASCII/ANSI tab.
    1. Click on the “Translate” button then select “output options”. This should open up a tapped popup with options for ASCII/ANSI, CaseView etc .
    2. Select the Caseview or ASCII tab(for CART/Captioning)
    3. You will see on this tab the selection to setup a com port connection. The connection will be direct and not modem. The com port will be the same one you selected on the connector. You can also take the default baud rate and other settings.
    4. If you are using ASCII to allow your text to wrap make sure to deselect the "wrap at margins" check box.
    5. Important for Legal Users: On the same configuration tab for the CaseView output make sure your timecodes are on. You will want to check off clock or actual for time codes. If you do not do this the output will all be displayed on one line.
  10. Now start the realtime file with the CaseView or ASCII output enabled and you should see COM Port Connected: True when that is running. Make sure you can write into your file.
  11. If this is not true then check your realtime transcription software and make sure it has been assigned the proper ports for output.
  12. You are now ready to stream your realtime text through


Eclipse Setup Instructions


  1. You can have Eclipse running however you will not be able to setup a file until we start and configure the connector. 
  2. Start or install the StreamText Connector if it is not already running or installed.
  3. Go to the writing source drop down above the connect and write button.
  4. Click on the “Com Port Number” button and select a com port to receive output from your writing/captioning software. Usually we recommend using a com port 30 so you do not have conflicts with any other devices. It is virtual so the number can be anything you want.
  5. Click on Connect and Write.
  6. First verify that you are connected to StreamText the "Connected to" should be a green True.
    1. If not True you need to check your loggin and password. You can verify that they are correct by login in to
    2. If that is not the case make sure your firewall is letting the streamtext connector access the Internet
    3. If that does not work please check your Internet connection
  7. Next notice that the "COM Port Connected" indicator will still be "False" until you start your realtime transcription/captioning software and outputting on the same com port.
  8. CART/Captioning setup
    1. Create an ANSI output to the same com port listed on the connector from step 5. You can use the default baud rate etc.
    2. To allow the text to wrap select the "force margin" check box
    3. Set the right hand margin to "9999" and save
  9. Legal setup
    1. Configure the Eclipse to output CaseView Summation to the same port listed on the connector from step 5. You can also take the default baud rate and other settings.
  10. Now start the realtime file with the CaseView Summation output or ANSI output enabled and you should see COM Port Connected: True when that is running. Make sure you can write into your file.
  11. If this is not true then check your realtime transcription software and make sure it has been assigned the proper ports for output.
  12. You are now ready to stream your realtime text through


Once you have completed the setup the startup procedure is


  1. Start the connector, it will remember the settings
  2. Press connect and write button
  3. Start your realtime file with the configured CaseView output. You should see the indicators both True if not please check your output settings and restart the connector.


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