Using the StreamText.Net Admin portal

This article covers the basics of logging into your account and the basic items you will be using with StreamText.Net.

Below are the basics for using the StreamText.Net scheduling platform.

  1.  Login

  2. Next you will select your organization from the drop down. If you only belong to one organization you will go to the third screen


  3. Once logged in you will see the DashBoard View. The Dashboard will automatically refresh every few seconds so you can see the latest status of your events. You will also see the actions you can perform on that event. For live events just click on the watch event link. 


  4. To edit your user profile to change your password or change organizations just click on your name in the upper right hand corner


  5. Schedule Event. To schedule an event it is very simple. The Basics tab is all you will need to create a normal event. Just fill in the event name, date and time, event duration and your parsing format. The parsing format is what you are outputting to the connector. If you need help let us know.


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