StreamText Legal Pod User Guide Documentation
Streamtext Legal was created to better facilitate remote depositions. Designed specifically for stenographers, this state-of-the-art pod improves recording and archiving abilities in a secure environment through Adobe Connect, the most robust online communications available today.
Easily deliver video, audio, real-time transcripts and document management for a deposition. With Streamtext Legal you get more than a deposition platform, you get a platform that can deliver additional flexibility and scale for your organization. Adobe Connect can also be used for web conferencing, training and any other online communications you need to provide.
The first step before you can use the Deposition Pod is to create a StreamText.Net account. StreamText.Net allows you also to streamtext without video to your customers. Used for CART, Captioning and court reporting services. The setup instructions are here:
Once you have setup and connected to a StreamText.Net event you are ready to get started using Adobe Connect and StreamText Legal.
Getting started with StreamText Legal
- Create account with StreamText.Net
- Schedule and manage a StreamText.Net event
- Log into your Adobe Connect Account - If you do not have one please email to request a free account for 30 days.
- Open the meeting room - There will already be a deposition meeting room established for your account. Just click on “open” and you will be in the deposition.
- Next you will manage your connection with StreamText.Net
Using the Video Deposition Pod
- After the Host securely launches the “StreamText Legal” Deposition Pod, they can access two tabs: Connection and Transcript. The Connection tab establishes the secure connection with StreamText services. On this tab, the Host can choose to Configure Connection by simply inputting their Account email and Password and selecting Submit for authentication.
- Once Authenticated, the Events and Connect buttons are activated and current Events for your specific account are populated in the Events dropdown. Now, the Host can simply choose the desired Event and select Connect. A red icon means connection is not yet established.
- If the user provides services for two or more organizations, they will have the option to select the appropriate account, then they can select the specific event before selecting Connect
- If you don’t see your desired Event, make sure it is active and running at StreamText and then “Refresh” the Events
- Broadcasting States– The host can easily track their broadcasting status in three phases. These colors are displayed in the connection tab.
- Disconnected: Red slashed circle - Prior to establishing a connection, the icon will show a red state. In addition, if the Host wants to end the meeting, the “Disconnect” button will stop broadcasting and end the connection.
- Connected: yellow triangle - When the connection is successful, the indicator icon will change to a yellow triangle. When in this state, it is not yet broadcasting to all participants. The text and button to “Broadcast” in the Host’s Deposition Transcript tab lets the Host know they are not broadcasting a live transcript to participants.
- Connected & Broadcasting: Green checkmark - Host will need to check the Broadcast box to pass the deposition to all participants. This will change the tab connection status to the green checkmark and enable all attendees to see the captions. Unchecking the box will stop the deposition from being broadcasted.
- Hosts are the only ones able to manage connections. Presenters have the same viewing credentials as attendees.
- The original Host has the ability to give other users Host credentials and thus enable additional connection management for these hosts.
Deposition Viewing and Host Specific features.
- Host view: The host view is the one you will see if you are logged into the Adobe Connect session as a host. The first position/far left tab for the host will always be the Deposition ‘Transcript’ tab. Within this tab (and if you have multiple connections) the Host will have the ability to change the connection stream that is in this view as well as toggle between the different connection tabs and see the connection names and status of all streams in the tab headers.
- Setting Icon: The Host also has different options when clicking on the Settings icon.
- Host can activate or deactivate the participants ability to save the transcript—this is defaulted with saving allowed, but can be easily restricted by any host, which would remove the “Save Transcript As” option from users’ Settings.
- If the Host wants to record the transcript to make it available for all participants at the end of the meeting, Users may have to increase their Flash storage ability to save transcripts and may need to adjust their shared object files. It is suggested that Hosts detail this information at the beginning of the meeting if there is participant demand to individually save the transcript. This must be checked at the individual level at the beginning of the meeting to record that meeting transcript.
- Size and position of transcript: As with all Share Pods, Hosts can solely control the size and positioning of the Pod for all users.
Deposition Viewing: Presenters & Attendees
This is what the presenter or participants will see when they view the StreamText Legal Deposition Pod.
- Controls: All users have individual control of aspects within the deposition viewing Pod. Once a connection is broadcasted, participants will see the deposition in their main view. Options and usability include:
- View: user can elect to view the transcript in a modern or legal style using the two icons below the Transcript tab
- Theme: color of font and background: White (black text on white), White (gray text on white), Black (white text on black), Black (yellow text on black), Sepia (brown text on sepia), Blue (yellow text on blue)
- Font size: user specific control of Font sizes, ranging: 10, 12, 14, 16
- Timestamp: the Host can select the “Time” box in order to make the time of each line of the transcript visible in the right hand column
- Lines: user can have each line number visible in the left column or hidden by removing the selection.
- Auto-Scroll: by selecting auto-scroll, the transcript will scroll with the stenographers current feed. After searching or scrolling back through the transcript, auto-scroll will move the viewer back to the most recent text, line and page number in the transcript.
- Search: the Transcript tab can be searched by keyword- when a word is entered into the search box, a list of every instance of that word appears. When a user selects one of these instances, the transcript jumps to the corresponding page and line. Users can also search by entering a specific page or line number into the fields before the search box and pressing enter.
- Settings Icon: above the search bar in the upper right corner, users can click to reveal menu options: to change the selected font or to save the transcript if it is enabled by the host and get information About the Pod.
- Saving Transcripts: Users can click on record transcript to begin the recording process and can save as either HTML or Text. Users may have to increase their Flash storage ability to save transcripts and may need to adjust their shared object files. The first time users attempt to save a transcript, they will see the Flash Settings dialog for Shared Objects asking you to increase the capacity to 10 MB. To enable this, Click Allow. Then recheck the record the transcript selection to begin recording. User then will be able to choose to save the transcript as an HTML file or a Text file.