Connecting the StreamText Legal Deposition Pod to a realtime stream
The StreamText Legal Video Deposition Pod allows users to view the realtime transcript. Below are the instructions to connect to a StreamText.Net realtime stream from the Deposition Pod.
Connecting to a live realtime stream
- You will need to be a "Host" in the Adobe Connect session.
- Click on the "Connection" tab which is in the upper left corner of the Deposition Pod which should be loaded into the meeting room.
- Enter StreamText email address and password under "Configure Connection" and then click submit.
- Select the "Organization" the event will be run under. In many cases you will only have one organization listed and no selection will be required.
- Connect to your event
- You will need to connect the pod to a live event that is running on the StreamText servers. You can schedule an event using two methods. If the event has already been scheduled you can skip to step #2.
- Scheduling event from the Deposition Pod - Just click on the schedule button under "Configure Connection" after you have submitted your login and selected the organization. Enter an event name (no spaces), duration of deposition, writer/reporter and parsing format which should almost always be CaseView. Click on create event and you should get a window that lets you know the event was created successfully.
- Scheduling event from the StreamText.Net Portal - You can also log into the StreamText admin portal Click on schedule event and enter the required fields
- Your event should be listed in the events drop down. In the example the event name is myDeposition.
- Once you have the event listed you will press the "Connect" button and select the Broadcast checkbox
- When connected you will get a yellow triangle
- Select the broadcast check box and you will get a green check box next to the connection tab. Now you can view the realtime by selecting the transcript tab.
- How to restrict viewing and saving of the realtime transcript - Many times you may want to limit who can view or save the realtime transcript. The Admin Tab allows a host to allow or restrict access to these features.
- Using the Admin Tab - The Admin tab allows the host to select who can view and save the realtime transcript to their local computer. Just select the users yo would like to view and save the transcript. You can select the View and Save features for all users or select each individually.