CCBridge for closed caption encoders

StreamText is excited to offer a third party solution, CCBridge from Central Caption Co. for remotely connecting a StreamText event to an encoder. This option works behind any firewall and makes caption delivery easy and does not require help opening ports for access. One of the best benefits is that any captioner using  StreamText can output to the encoder.


CCBridge overview:


Introducing the CCBridge, a Partnership Product from Central Caption Co. and Full Brightness LLC, enhanced by the global connectivity of


CCBridge from Central Caption Co. is a Windows or Mac program that extracts text or caption data from a standard StreamText Event for use with hardware caption encoders or similar devices. It can be configured to output caption data via RS-232 (using a standard USB dongle), TCP connection, or other serial connections/protocols. Multiple simultaneous outputs are easily created, configured and controlled, allowing the same text or caption data to be distributed to different local or remote destinations.  Caption encoder codes can be added to plain text data using either pre-set or custom data prefixes.


CCBridge requires no special internet configuration or port-forwarding. It performs well with wired or wi-fi access to corporate guest networks, venue wireless setups, or even cell hotspots. CCBridge provides convenient, quick, and trouble-free connection to your remote stenocaptioner through the world-wide reach of the StreamText network.


As a result, your live captioning jobs remain under your scheduling and staffing control, and the details of them remain confidential. Stenocaptioner sign-in and connection are nearly identical to any regular StreamText Event. And there’s no need to negotiate special Internet access or port-forwarding with corporate, institutional or venue IT departments or suppliers.


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The CCBridge software was developed as a Partnership Project between Central Caption Co. and Full Brightness Studios. Here’s more about them:


Central Caption Co. is a small captioning company, owned by Ken Ellis, that has been serving captioning and subtitle customers in central Ohio for over 30 years, through a variety of video format and captioning solution advances. Over those decades, Central Caption has employed various remote captioning methods, for both pre-recorded programming and live, on-site projects. The CCBridge software product was conceived to improve both schedule flexibility and efficiency of the live captioning process by leveraging the ease of use and global reach of StreamText -- and bridging that last three feet to your hardware caption encoder.


Full Brightness Studios is a boutique software shop with an emphasis on professional video event engineering and solutions. While Central Caption’s previous remote solutions employed off-the-shelf products and equipment in somewhat novel applications, the CCBridge product required a custom deployment, and the broad experience to back it up. Full Brightness Studios called on both their experience in custom application development and engineering large on-site video events to convert the original pencil-sketch capabilities into a robust and flexible software application.

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